
From a distance, these buildings may look like any regular brick structure, but close up you can see that their walls are made of hundreds of layers piled up together, as these are actually China’s first buildings made with 3D printing technology.

from a distance … 遠くから見れば、遠目には
pile up … 積み重ねる

The ten grey coloured buildings have been erected in Shanghai without using a single piece of brick or tile. The wall bodies are made with a special mixture of carefully selected raw materials including sand, concrete and glass fibres, and they were printed out by 3D printers which were developed in East China.

erect … 建てる、建築する
raw material … 原料、原材料

The layers are approximately three centimetres thick but five times as hard as common construction materials.

construction material … 建設材料

“The building materials are all printed out by our 3D printers layer by layer and we pile them up. All the layers are firmly connected with each other. They won’t separate, neither will they deform and collapse.”

layer by layer … 一層ずつ
deform … ゆがむ、変形する
collapse … 崩れる、崩壊する

A number of workers have already moved into the buildings to use as their everyday offices.

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