「東海村臨界事故」の英訳に挑戦 - 2


Dr. Maekawa, who specialized in emergency care, first heard of the accident early afternoon on that day.

"I heard something had apparently happened in Tokai village and I watched TV to see something terrible had actually happened there.

While I was watching TV news, I noticed the staff of the NIRS (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) wore protective suits and masks. Therefore I suspected the degree of the contamination might have been quite high."

Because of his massive exposure to radiation, Ouchi was transferred to the Tokyo University Hospital in order to receive the most up-to-date treatments.

Dr. Maekawa became the leader of the medical team due to his central role in a professional group of the radiation emergency medicine.

"The amount of radiation that Mr. Ouchi had presumably received was fatal. That was obvious to everyone in the team.

However, Mr. Ouchi looked very well at that point and we didn't have an impression that he had been exposed to such a high level of radiation. Therefore we determined to do everything we could."

The first patient who had had a radiation exposure was quite different from what the nurses had imagined.

"The doctor brought him up, on the stretcher as usual, to the private room in the ICU, like an ordinary patient. I met him there. His skin was reddish as if he had got a terrible sunburn. His arm was badly swollen and he said he had a pain in that area." 

"I thought at that time that he wouldn't have to die, I mean, he would be well enough to leave the hospital."

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