

Ducks are adorable. If you disagree, we can't be friends.

Officers saving ducks? Adorable times 1,000.

Two policemen at the Myrtle Beach Police Department in South Carolina weren't above dropping to their knees to try and rescue six baby ducks from a storm drain.

above doing … プライドがあるから~できない、~するのはプライドが許さない
drop to one's knees … 両膝をつく

The rescue of the ducks went swimmingly, and all were returned to Mz. Mama Duck.

swimmingly … すいすいと、すらすらと、とんとん拍子に

"Mom was certainly thankful. She and her babies are now relocated to a nearby pond."

The post has been shared hundred of times on Facebook, with dozens of comments.

And it must be the season of duck rescues. Officers with the Wellesley Police Department in Massachusetts also had to rescue some baby ducks.

Mama duck waited worriedly, but all the babies were saved in this case, too.

And all the rain this season certainly isn't helping things along. Firefighters in Missouri also had a storm drain duck rescue on their hands.

help (sth or sb) along … ~の進展を助ける、~の活動に協力する

Thank goodness for our feathered friends, they have some friends in high places willing to help them out.

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