
出典:News in Levels

Shots ringing in the air and sirens piercing through an empty road in Texas. This amateur video shows the dramatic scenes play out. What should have been a peaceful protest ended in violence and lives lost. This video shows the police reaction to 5 officers being killed and a further 6 wounded by a sniper in Dallas.

play out … (物事が)起こる、生じる、徐々に進展する

A stand-off followed the incident which happened during a protest against police brutality in America and accusations of deeply embedded racism in some US forces, just days after two black men were fatally shot by police on opposite sides of the country.

stand-off … こう着状態、行き詰まり、にらみ合い
brutality … 残虐行為

Videos showing the police killings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana sparked national debate. The protests were among several held across the country with many campaigners rallying to push the Black Lives Matters movement.

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