

Most people would agree that picking your nose is frowned upon. And eating the contents is, well, just a bit gross.

frown upon = frown on … ~に眉をひそめる、顔をしかめる
gross … 気持ち悪い、ぞっとする

But nose-picking is not a rare thing to see, particularly by children - we either grow out of our nose-picking ways by adulthood or simply do it in private (on most occasions).

grow out of … (悪癖や習慣から)脱する、~をしなくなる
in private … 人目を避けて、こっそりと

According to a study, however, we should in fact be eating our bogies and encouraging our kids to do the same.

bogy … 鼻くそ

The reason is that bogies actually have an array of health benefits - and they could be particularly important for growing children.

an array of … 多数の、さまざまな

The study found that snot contains salivary mucins which forms a barrier against cavity-causing bacteria, Kidspot reports.

snot … 鼻水、鼻くそ
salivary mucin … 唾液ムチン
cavity-causing … 虫歯の原因になる

Researchers are even now looking into a way to create synthetic mucus that could be made into chewing gum or toothpaste to provide the same benefits.

mucus … 粘液

What’s more, there’s evidence to suggest the mucus in snot could defend against respiratory infection, stomach ulcers and HIV.

respiratory infection … 呼吸器感染症
stomach ulcer … 胃潰瘍

Austrian lung specialist Prof Friedrich Bischinger believes people who pick their noses are healthy, happier and probably better in tune with their bodies than others.
オーストリアの肺専門家であるFriedrich Bischinger教授は、鼻ほじりをする人たちは鼻ほじりをしない人たちに比べて健康で、幸福で、心身の調和がとれているだろうと考えています。

in tune with … ~と調和して、~に合わせて

“And eating the dry remains of what you pull out is a great way of strengthening the body’s immune system. Medically it makes great sense and is a perfectly natural thing to do,” he said.

immune system … 免疫システム、免疫系

“In terms of the immune system, the nose is a filter in which a great deal of bacteria are collected, and when this mixture arrives in the intestines it works just like a medicine.”

intestine … 腸

He believes we should do away with the social stigma around nose-picking and says parents should actually encourage their children to do so.

do away with … 捨てる、排除する、廃止する
social stigma … 社会的汚名

This is despite previous reports and advice from doctors claiming picking your nose can result in bleeding and actually encourage germs.

bleeding … 出血
germ … 細菌

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