My Rolex Watch (from my Lang-8 posts)

My Rolex watch, which I bought 14 years ago, suddenly stopped working last week. Ideally, I should have had it overhauled every 5 years, but I didn't.

I took my watch to a watch shop near my house that deals in expensive brand watches. The shop sent my watch to the Rolex authorized service center to get a quote for the repairs.

get a quote … 見積もりを取る

The shop called me yesterday to say that the repairs would cost about 69 thousand yen. To tell the truth, it was even more expensive than I expected. I had an option to cancel the repairs and send my watch to an unauthorized repair shop that offers more affordable services.

However, the shop strongly recommended that I have my watch repaired by the authorized service center. They said that if I sent my watch to an unauthorized repair shop that might make improper repairs, the authorized service center would no longer accept the watch for further repairs.

I was convinced by the shop's explanation and told them to start the repairs.


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