

Believe it or not, Vladimir Putin, David Cameron and Emma Watson all have something in common: ties to the Panama Papers.

On Monday, details of more than 200,000 offshore entities were released, and according to The Spectator, "Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson" is named as a beneficiary in an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands.

beneficiary … 恩恵を受ける人、受益者

Offshore companies aren't illegal, but hiding your money in them to avoid paying taxes is considered unethical at best. The Panama Papers — leaked from law firm Mossack Fonseca — have implicated thousands of rich and powerful people across the globe in tax avoidance schemes.

implicate … 巻き込む、関与させる

But the "Harry Potter" actress seems to be playing it cool. Her representatives issued a statement that reads in part: "Emma (like many high-profile individuals) set up an offshore company for the sole purpose of protecting her anonymity and safety. Emma receives absolutely no tax or monetary advantages from this offshore company whatsoever — only privacy."

play it cool … 冷静に振る舞う
anonymity … 匿名性

Watson may have opted for a more private, offshore account because companies in the U.K. are forced to publish details of shareholders. Or maybe she just wanted to have a reason to visit the BVIs — we can't blame her for that.

opt for … ~を選ぶ

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