Thailand and Taiwan (from my Lang-8 posts)

<Revised on Dec. 12, 2019>

Yesterday my wife told me that Thailand Fair was held at a nearby shopping mall, and authentic mango parfait was available there. We immediately set off to enjoy the parfait with our children.

After arriving at the mall, we looked for the sign of Thailand Fair, but couldn't find it. Instead, we saw a sign of "Taiwan Fair," which served mango parfait at one of the booths.

My wife said, "Oh, I mistook Taiwan for Thailand." However, I couldn't understand how she could have mistaken them. In Japanese, Taiwan is written as "台湾" in Kanji characters, and Thailand is written as "タイ" in Katakana characters. There is no possibility of mistaking them.

I didn't ask about it persistently because it wasn't a big deal after we enjoyed excellent mango parfait.

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