

Early Netflix adopters will soon have to pay as much as everybody else for their streaming content.

early adopter … 早期導入者、いち早く利用する人、新し物好き

Starting in May, Netflix's standard streaming plan will cost $9.99 a month for everyone. As of now, people who subscribed earlier than May 2014 got to keep their old price of $7.99.

subscribe … 申し込む、会員登録する

Financial company UBS estimated around 17 million users will have to spend the extra $24 per year. That's a little over a third of Netflix's U.S. subscriber base. That is, if they decide to stay.

Forty-one percent of customers surveyed said they wouldn't accept a hike, but only about 3 percent of users are expected to actually leave because of it. Presumably because they still haven't watched "Narcos" yet.

hike … (突然の)値上げ
presumably … おそらく

But those opting to leave Netflix in favor of traditional TV outlets may be in for a rude awakening. Some of the largest cable and satellite companies nationwide are also raising prices.

in favor of … ~のほうを好んで
in for a rude awakening … (嫌な事実を知って)驚かされる、ショックを受ける

Customers of DirecTV, AT&T U-verse, Time Warner Cable, Comcast and Dish Network will all see their bills go up by at least $2. So no matter what you watch, it's going to cost more.

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