

North Korea says it successfully launched an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time.

intercontinental ballistic missile … 大陸間弾道ミサイル
ballistic [bəlístik] … 弾道の、弾道学の

The launch was just a test — the 11th one conducted by North Korea this year, at least that we know of. And the timing of it likely wasn't an accident.

at least that we know of … 少なくとも我々の知る限りでは

The order to launch the missile reportedly came from Kim Jong-un on the eve of July 4, or Independence Day in the U.S.

Officials are still trying to determine if the missile was indeed an ICBM. But some analysts say it had the range to strike Alaska.

The test came despite repeated warnings from the U.S., Japan and China. China, an ally of North Korea, has been under intense pressure to crack down on its neighbor in the east.

crack down on … ~に断固たる措置をとる、~を厳しく取り締まる

U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted hours after the launch, asking if Kim Jong-un has "anything better to do."

Trump also suggested China should come down on the country and end the "nonsense."

come down on … ~を非難する、きつく叱る、罰する

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