My broken arm and heart (from my Lang-8 posts)

When I was in the 3rd grade of elementary school, I broke my right arm in an accident while playing with my friends in the park. I was absent from school for about a week because, with my right arm immobilized in a cast, I had trouble taking notes and using chopsticks.

immobilize … (手足などをギプスなどで)固定する
cast … ギプス

After a week, I went back to school, though I still had a little difficulty using my right arm. My friends looked at me as if I was a physically disabled person. I felt alienated from my friends in my child's heart of hearts.

alienate … 疎遠にする、仲間外れにする
feel alienated from … ~から仲間外れにされたと感じる
in one's heart of hearts … 心の中で、内心は、本心では
in my child's heart of hearts … 子供心に


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