
出典:CBS News

RINGWOOD, N.J. - A frightened bear cub got its head stuck in an oversized cookie jar while rummaging through some trash and had to be rescued from a tree in New Jersey.

rummage through … ~の中をかき回して捜す

Environmental Protection Department spokesman Larry Ragonese says the 6-month-old cub apparently found the animal crackers jar Friday night in Ringwood, near the New York border.

As the 28-pound animal tried to eat what remained in the jar, the cub apparently pulled the container over its head and it got stuck.

pull ~ over one's head … ~を頭からかぶる

The cub became spooked when approached and went up a tree, but got wedged about 40 feet up.

spook … 驚かす、驚く
get wedged … 動きがとれなくなる

DEP staffers arranged netting in case the bear fell to the ground. After the animal was tranquilized by a DEP biologist, it was brought down and local firefighters gingerly cut the jar off its head.

gingerly … 非常に慎重に、用心深く

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