
出典:The New York Times

There was a predictable ritual to the world's reaction to North Korea's latest nuclear test, its fourth. Vigorous condemnation, followed by promises never to accept the North as a nuclear weapons state, followed by chest-thumping demands for more sanctions. The problem is that while the North Korean threat is real and growing, the United States and its partners have failed miserably at finding an effective solution.

ritual … 儀式、決まって行われること
vigorous … 力強い、猛烈な、激しい
chest-thumping … 威勢のいい

Although a final judgment depends on further study, it now appears that North Korea did not detonate a hydrogen bomb on Wednesday as claimed. The test appears to have involved a less-powerful atomic weapon. Regardless, it was another sign of leader Kim Jong-un's determination to expand his impoverished country's nuclear arsenal in violation of United Nations resolutions, seize the limelight when he feels ignored and keep Asia off balance.

detonate … 爆発させる
impoverished … 貧困に陥った
nuclear arsenal … 核兵器保有量
limelight … 注目の的、人目を引く立場

In recent years, the United States and other major powers expended maximum effort negotiating a landmark agreement to keep Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. That deal, which is now being implemented, is undeniably important, but the Americans and their partners erred in largely ignoring the even tougher challenge, and more immediate threat, from North Korea.

expend … 費やす
err … 過ちを犯す、判断を誤る

By various estimates, the North has produced 10 to 16 crude weapons since 2003 and could have as many as 20 by the end of this year. It has also improved the range of its missiles and the mobility of their launchers. The more bombs and missiles North Korea produces, the more likely it is to try to sell these weapons to earn desperately needed hard currency.

crude … 粗製の
desperately needed … 切実に必要とされている
hard currency … 強い通貨、交換可能通貨

North Korea stains the record of President Obama, who took office promising to make ridding the world of nuclear weapons a priority. Its actions are a humiliation for President Xi Jinping of China, North Korea's only ally, largest trading partner and economic lifeline for food and oil. Mr. Xi initially treated Mr. Kim with impatience and disdain, warning him after a nuclear test in 2013 that the North must not threaten world peace. Since then, Mr. Kim seemed to heed Beijing's admonitions; as recently as October, the North reportedly assured China it would not conduct nuclear tests. Partly because of that, Beijing sent a senior Chinese official to a parade in the North's capital, Pyongyang, the first such visit since Mr. Kim took power in 2011.

take office … 就任する、政権を握る
rid A of B … AからBを取り除く
humiliation … 屈辱
disdain … 軽蔑、蔑視
heed … 気に掛ける、心に留める
admonition … 勧告、忠告、警告

The latest nuclear test drew swift condemnation from the United Nations Security Council, NATO and the European Union, as well as individual countries. Chinese officials were described as furious.

swift … 即座の

What can be done to back up the tough talk? Even before the latest test, Congress was talking about tightening sanctions on North Korea, which has been under American and United Nations penalties for years. Unilateral American action is not enough. China claims it doesn't have the kind of power over North Korea that many think, but the fact is that it has more than anybody else and is uniquely positioned to pressure Mr. Kim and his regime, including by interrupting trade flows.

tough talk … 強気の発言
unilateral … 一方的な、片側だけの

China is understandably concerned that really tough economic penalties would cause people to flee North Korea for China. But even smaller gestures like preventing Mr. Kim and his friends from importing whiskey and other luxury goods might have an impact. Peacefully helping to solve the North Korean nuclear threat is an important test of China's aspirations to be a world leader.

understandably … 当然のことながら
aspiration … 強い願望

Since an agreement with the United States collapsed in 2002, negotiations with North Korea on the nuclear issues have gone nowhere, in part because of American demands that the North agree first that the outcome would be nuclear disarmament. There is no sign Mr. Kim has any interest in negotiating away his nuclear weapons, his only real bargaining chip. But persuading Iran to negotiate on its nuclear program also looked like a pipe dream until creative diplomacy made it happen. The current approach with North Korea certainly isn't working.

bargaining chip … 交渉の切り札
pipe dream … かないそうもない夢、夢物語

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