英検1級レベルの単語と例文 — mannerism

mannerism [mǽnərìzm]

… (言動などの) 癖、特徴、(芸術などの) 型にはまった手法、芸風、マンネリズム

… a person's particular way of talking or moving

He has an annoying mannerism of tapping his fingers while he talks.

He is a good imitator of the mannerism of great violinists, but he has no style of his own.

I'm getting sick and tired of that TV personality's mannerism.

◆ 日本語のいわゆる「マンネリ」は rut や groove で表す

マンネリになる … get into a rut、get stuck in a rut、fall into a rut

マンネリになっている … be in a rut、be stuck in a rut

マンネリから抜け出す … get out of a rut、break out of a rut

Trying new things keeps you from getting into a rut.

The TV show fell into a groove and was discontinued.

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