映画「ランボー」で英語の勉強 - 5

Rambo, don't do it. Listen to me, Rambo. You have no chance. Drop your weapon. We're going to order a chopper in and fly you back to Bragg.

Hold your fire. Colonel. Hold your fire.

Think about what you're doing. The building's perimeter's covered. No exits. There's nearly 200 men out there and a lot of M16s. You did everything to make this private war happen. You've done enough damage. This mission is over, Rambo. Do you understand me? This mission is over. Look at them out there. Look at them. If you don't end this now, they'll kill you. Is that what you want? It's over, Johnny. It's over.
自分が何をしてるのか考えてみろ。建物は包囲されてる。逃げ道はない。外にはM16を持った男たちが200人も待ち構えてる。君はこの個人的な戦争を起こすためにあらゆることをした。もう十分に損害を与えただろう。この任務は終了だ、ランボー。わかるか? この任務は終了だ。外を見てみろ。見るんだ。今やめないと、殺されるぞ。それが望みなのか? もう終わりだ、ジョニー。終わったんだ。

Nothing is over. Nothing. You just don't turn it off. It wasn't my war. You asked me, I didn't ask you. And I did what I had to do to win, but someone wouldn't let us win. Then I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap. Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about?
何も終わっちゃいない。何もだ。勝手に終わらせないでくれ。あれは俺の戦争じゃない。あんたに頼まれたんだ。俺は頼んでない。勝つために必死で戦ったが、誰かのせいで勝てなかった。国に帰ってきたら、ウジ虫どもが空港で俺につばを吐きかけて抗議するんだ。赤ちゃん殺しとか、ありとあらゆる罵詈雑言を浴びせてきた。誰が俺に抗議できるんだ? あいつらは何だ? 俺のことも、ベトナムのことも、自分が何をわめいてるのかも知らないくせに。

It was a bad time for everyone, Rambo. It's all in the past now.

For you. For me, civilian life is nothing. In the field, we had a code of honor. You watch my back, I watch yours. Back here, there's nothing.

You're the last of an elite group. Don't end it like this.

Back there I could fly a gun ship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of a million dollar equipment. Back here, I can't even hold a job parking cars.

Where is everybody? I had a friend who was in the Air Force. There were all these guys, man. Back there were all these fucking guys who were my friends. Back here, there's nothing.
みんなどこに行った? 空軍にも友達がいたんだ。みんないい奴らだった。戦場には、友達がたくさんいた。ここには誰もいない。

Remember Dan Forest? Wore this black headband. I took one of his magic markers, and I said "If found, you mail this to Las Vegas", because we're always talking about Vegas. And this fucking car. This red 58 Chevy convertible. He was talking about his car. He said we're going to cruise till the tires fell off.
ダン・フォレストを覚えてる? 黒いヘッドバンドを付けてた。あいつのマジックペンを1本取って、「もし見つけたらラスベガスに送れよ」って言ったんだ。俺たちはいつもラスベガスの話をしてたから。それと車の話。58年型の赤いシボレーのコンバーチブルだ。あいつは自分の車の話をしてた。2人でタイヤが擦り切れるまで乗り回そうぜって。

We're in this barn in Saigon, and this kid comes up. This kid's carrying a shoe shine box. And there, he says "Shine please, shine?" I said no, and he kept on asking, yeah. Joe said "Yeah." And I went to get a couple of beers. And the box was wired. He opened up the box. Fucking blew his body all over the place. He's laying there and he's fucking screaming. There's pieces of him all over me. And I'm trying to pull them off, you know ... my friend! It's all over me. I got blood and everything and I'm trying to hold him together, I put him together, but the fucking entrails keep coming out. And nobody would help. Nobody would help. He's saying "I want to go home. I want to go home." He keeps calling my name. "I want to go home, Johnny. I want to drive my Chevy." I said "With what? I can't find your fucking legs. I can't find your legs."
サイゴンの納屋にいたとき、子供がやってきた。その子供は靴磨きの箱を持っていて、「靴磨きはいかが?」って言うんだ。俺は断ったけど、その子供がずっと頼み続けるんで、ジョーは「いいよ」と言ったんだ。それで俺はビールを取りに行った。その箱には線がつながっていて、ジョーが箱を開けると爆発して、彼の体がそこらじゅうに吹っ飛んだ。ジョーは横たわったまま、ものすごい叫び声をあげてた。彼のバラバラになった肉片が、俺の体じゅうにくっついてるんだ。俺はそれをはがそうとしたけど、わかるか、友達がだ! 俺の体じゅうにくっついてるんだ。俺は血まみれになって、彼の体を集めようとした。彼の体をくっつけたけど、内臓がはみ出してくるんだ。誰も助けてくれない。ジョーが「家に帰りたい、家に帰りたい」って言う。俺の名前を呼び続けて。「家に帰りたいよ、ジョニー、車を運転したい」って。俺は言った。「どうやって? お前の足が見つからないんだ。足が見つからないんだよ。」

I can't get it out of my head. It was seven years. Every day it hurts. Sometimes I wake up and don't know where I am. I don't talk to anybody. Sometimes a day. Sometimes a week. I can't put it out of my mind.

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