
Boston Dynamics has showed off the newest iteration of its bi-pedal Atlas robot.

show off … 誇示する、見せびらかす、ひけらかす
iteration … 繰り返し、反復、(ソフトウェアなどの)バージョン
bi-pedal … 二足歩行の

A video shows it picking up boxes and tracking those boxes as they are moved around.

It's much sleeker than the last version. Older models had to be plugged into an external power source, unlike the newest one.

sleek … 滑らかな、すらりとした

It also appears to be pretty good at keeping its balance on uneven surfaces and after being pushed.

That's a big deal considering balance is a well-documented problem with a lot of modern robots.

well-documented … 文書による十分な裏付けのある、これまでにもたくさん書かれている

And when the Atlas does fall, it can pick itself back up. Let's just hope it doesn't seek revenge on the humans pushing it around.

pick oneself up … (人が倒れた状態から)起き上がる
seek revenge on … (人に)復讐しようとする

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