can/couldとbe able toの使い分け

● 現在や未来の能力について話す場合と、過去の全般的な能力について話す場合は、can/could と be able to を同じ意味で使える。

She can speak Spanish very well.
She is able to speak Spanish very well.

I could run much faster when I was younger.
I was able to run much faster when I was younger.

※ ただし、以下のように現在完了時制の場合や 形にする場合、can/could は使えないので、be able to を使う必要がある。

He has been able to swim since he was two years old.
I like being able to choose my own working hours.

過去の特定の時点における特定の能力について話す場合、could を使うことはできない。

The traffic was really bad, but we could catch our train. ← この文は間違い
The traffic was really bad, but we were able to catch our train.
The traffic was really bad, but we managed to catch our train.

※ ただし、否定形の場合は、内容が全般的か特定的かにかかわらず could を使える。

It was hard work, and we couldn't finish everything on time.
It was hard work, and we weren't able to finish everything on time.

仮定の意味で could が使われることがある (「仮定法過去」を参照)。

I couldn't help you because I had too much to do.
I wasn't able to help you because I had too much to do.

I couldn't help you even if I wanted to.
I wouldn't be able to help you even if I wanted to.

※ その他の例文
Why couldn't he do it last week. (過去)
We could work together, if you wanted. (仮定)

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