「東海村臨界事故」の英訳に挑戦 - 1


The ICU of the Acute Medicine department in the Tokyo University Hospital.

The treatment that took place here about a year and a half ago was unprecedented in the world.

He is Dr. Kazuhiko Maekawa. He has been involved in the emergency care for about 30 years.

It was the first time that he encountered a patient who had received a massive amount of radiation.

"In the accident that occurred at the Tokaimura plant of JCO, three workers were exposed to radiation..."

The criticality accident occurred at the nuclear fuel processing facility in Tokai village and two workers were killed by a heavy exposure to radiation.

He is Hisashi Ouchi, the first victim of nuclear accidents in Japan.

He was exposed to radiation that was about 20,000 times more than the permissible annual limit for ordinary people.

This team was in charge of the treatment of Ouchi.

They applied all the latest medical technology to the treatment that the world had never seen before.

However, they were overwhelmed every day by the horrible effects of radiation exposure.

"Simply put, our pride as medical professionals was broken into pieces."

"I think keeping him alive as long as possible was just like an agony for him."

"I don't want him to thank us. I would accept his resentment. All I want is the answer whether we did the right thing."

These are the 83-day records of Ouchi's treatment.

The records are disclosed for the first time because his family hopes his death should be of help to someone else.

You can see the medical team's anguish as well as his family's desperate hope for his recovery.

We are going to follow Ouchi's 83 days with his medical records and the interviews of his medical staff.

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