文末にある though

This house isn't very nice. I like the garden, though.

このように文末にある though は接続詞ではなく副詞であり、however のくだけた形で、より柔らかい印象を与える。副詞としての though は文頭には置かない。また、although には副詞としての用法はない。

上記の文は、however を使って次のように書き換えられる。

This house isn't very nice. However, I like the garden.


I'm sorry I can't stay for lunch. I'll have a cup of tea, though.
I'm sorry I can't stay for lunch. However, I'll have a cup of tea.

I'll come and see you this evening. I can only stay a few minutes, though.
I'll come and see you this evening. However, I can only stay a few minutes.

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